4.11. Response in Case of an Emergency

First Aid

You shall find First Aid by fol­low­ing Red Cross signs dur­ing the open­ing hours of the venues. Be­fore start­ing your work­ing shift, lo­calise where the clos­est First Aid is sit­u­ated. The First Aid will be iden­ti­fied on the event’s map and marked by Red Cross signs and by he­lium bal­loons.

The phone num­ber to con­tact the First Aid team will be dis­closed later. From this num­ber, you will get help.

Emer­gency Re­sponse

Re­port the emer­gency to the First Aid team or Se­cu­rity team. Try to pre­vent fur­ther dam­ages. If nec­es­sary, ask for help from your sur­round­ings.

  1. Find out what has hap­pened.
  2. Check if the in­jured per­son is breath­ing and check if the air­way is open and try to wake up the per­son.
  3. Call an am­bu­lance by us­ing the emer­gency num­ber 112, if the per­son is not breath­ing or is un­con­scious.
  4. Re­sus­ci­tate, if per­son is life­less. If un­con­scious but breath­ing, turn the per­son to a re­cov­ery po­si­tion (side­ways).

Do not leave the scene, be­fore help as ar­rived as you may hold im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion.

Make sure that the First Aid is aware of the in­ci­dent  if you have called an am­bu­lance. The First Aid team and Se­cu­rity team are able to help by guid­ing the best route for the am­bu­lance.

Re­port the in­ci­dent to your team leader only af­ter the nec­es­sary ac­tions have been taken.

Mi­nor in­juries or dis­eases

Pri­mar­ily, you may make con­tact with the WG2015’s First Aid team with less se­ri­ous in­juries or symp­toms, which might be, for ex­am­ple, an an­kle sprain.

Hel­sinki has a great num­ber of health care cen­tres and pri­vate clin­ics. Some im­por­tant clinic ad­dresses and phone num­bers are listed on the con­tact in­for­ma­tion of this pub­li­ca­tion (chap­ter 7).

School ac­com­mo­da­tion have their own guide­lines for emer­gency re­ponse at the en­trance of the school, more in­struc­tions can be asked from the school su­per­vi­sors.

The World Gym­naestrada 2015 - Vol­un­teer Man­ualMake the Earth Move30.3.2015