4.11.1. Instructions for Other Crises

Fire re­sponse:

If you no­tice smoke or fire, con­tact the WG2015’s Se­cu­rity team, who will then start res­cu­ing and shut­down the fire. Af­ter tak­ing this 1st ac­tion, fol­low­ing these steps:

Upon ar­rival the Se­cu­rity team will take on the re­spon­si­bil­ity for the emer­gency un­til the ar­rival of the fire-brigade. They will also pro­vide with in­for­ma­tion of the event to the au­thor­i­ties. How­ever, do not leave the scene, as you may have vi­tal in­for­ma­tion!

Dis­or­der re­sponse: 

If you come across a per­son who is caus­ing dis­tur­bance alert the Se­cu­rity team. If you must make con­tact with the per­son pay at­ten­tion to the fol­low­ing points:

Con­ges­tion re­sponse: (eg. some­one from the au­di­ence be­ing walked on)

The World Gym­naestrada 2015 - Vol­un­teer Man­ualMake the Earth Move30.3.2015