5. Media and Communications

The WG2015 en­cour­ages both do­mes­tic and in­ter­na­tional me­dia to ac­credit to the event and to spread the WG2015’s at­mos­phere. Me­dia ac­cred­i­ta­tion to the event is done at the Mes­sukeskus Hel­sinki Expo and Con­ven­tion Cen­tre start­ing on the July 9th, where me­dia rep­re­sen­ta­tives will get their me­dia passes. The me­dia pass al­lows ac­cess to the me­dia re­served event ar­eas and work­ing places. Me­dia rep­re­sen­ta­tives do not re­quire ex­tra tick­ets for the WG2015 events.

Me­dia will be sta­tioned on the 2nd floor of Mes­sukeskus Hel­sinki Expo and Con­ven­tion Cen­tre in the Press Cen­tre, where me­dia rep­re­sen­ta­tives will get the lat­est in­for­ma­tion, a quiet work­ing space and some snacks. Fur­ther­more, in the Olympic Sta­dium in a meet­ingroom next to the cafe­te­ria will also be a press work­ing area, where rep­re­sen­ta­tives can ac­cess the in­ter­net, charge equip­ment or work for a while. This area will only be ac­ces­si­ble dur­ing the of­fi­cial events at the Olympic Sta­dium (Open­ing Cer­e­mony, Mid­night Sun Spe­cial, and Clos­ing Cer­e­mony). Oth­er­wise, this ex­tra work­ing space is closed.

Each venue has marked seat­ing for the me­dia. At least two re­served seats for FIG’s and LOC’s Me­dia and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion teams can be found at the stands, and pos­si­bly other me­dia re­served seats. These seats are filled ac­cord­ing with first-come first-served, un­less oth­er­wise in­structed.

Only ac­cred­ited pho­tog­ra­phers and mem­bers of the me­dia have ac­cess to the pho­tog­ra­phers’ stands and the right to take pic­tures also next to the per­for­mance ar­eas. Pho­tog­ra­phers’ stands and ar­eas are al­ways marked at the each venue.

Dur­ing the event, the au­di­ence can record and take pic­tures us­ing their mo­bile phones and other stan­dard film­ing equip­ment. Pro­fes­sional equip­ment re­quires film­ing rights and ac­cred­i­ta­tion for the event.

Vol­un­teers guide­lines for the me­dia:

In­struc­tions on how to use so­cial me­dia:

Dur­ing the event, WG2015’s web­site and so­cial me­dia net­work will be very ac­tive. You can find in­ter­est­ing daily news, pic­tures and video clips of the event that will give you a feel­ing of the at­mos­phere and also tips for the up­com­ing days. The daily news­let­ter in Eng­lish will be pub­lished in the par­tic­i­pants guide’s web-ver­sion and will com­bine all the best parts of the event.

Like and fol­low the WG2015 in the so­cial me­dia:

15th World Gym­naestrada 2015 Hel­sin­ki (the WG2015 of­fi­cial page in Eng­lish)
Gym­naestrada 2015 – Suo­mi (the WG2015 of­fi­cial page in Finnish)
Gym­naestrada 2015 Va­paa­eh­toi­set – Vol­un­teers

Twit­ter @WG_2015

In­sta­gram @wg2015hel­sin­ki

Share the WG2015 best pho­tos and ex­pe­ri­ences on the so­cial me­dia with the hash­tag
#wg2015 and #maketheearth­move

YouTube Chan­nel

The World Gym­naestrada 2015 - Vol­un­teer Man­ualMake the Earth Move30.3.2015