5.1. Communications During a Crisis

The WG2015 as a ma­jor event  is at risk  by fac­tors as­so­ci­ated with large crowds (eg. lo­gis­tics, tech­nol­ogy fail­ure / net­work con­ges­tion, safety, ac­ci­dents, weather). Pre­par­ing be­fore­hand and find­ing out in ad­vance of pos­si­ble risk fac­tors is im­por­tant. There are many po­ten­tial cri­sis sit­u­a­tions that can be avoided. If a crises hap­pens, a cri­sis com­mu­ni­ca­tion plan has been cre­ated, which pro­vides guide­lines to be able to op­er­ate in a con­sis­tent man­ner.

In­struc­tions for vol­un­teers to al­ways fol­low – even not dur­ing a cri­sis:

In­struc­tions for vol­un­teers dur­ing an cri­sis:

For more in­for­ma­tion and in­struc­tions:

So­cial me­dia is also uti­lized in cri­sis com­mu­ni­ca­tions sup­port:

#iamOK_WG2015 and #kaik­ki­kun­nos­sa_WG2015

The World Gym­naestrada 2015 - Vol­un­teer Man­ualMake the Earth Move30.3.2015