7. Contact information and important numbers

Vol­un­teers’ Of­fice

E-mail: vol­un­teer@wg-2015.com
Phone num­ber: +358 (0)40 680 2323

Vol­un­teers shall in­quire first their team leader, if the team leader is un­able to re­ply, the vol­un­teer can call or come at the Vol­un­teers’ Of­fice in Mes­sukeskus Hel­sinki, Expo and Con­ven­tion Cen­tre, room num­ber 103.

First Aid

Phone num­ber: 040 873 0080
Emer­gency num­ber: 112


Phone num­ber: to be an­nounced

Call Cen­tre (for gym­nasts)

The Call Cen­tre num­ber is meant to be used by the gym­nasts. Through this num­ber gym­nasts can be ad­vised, when their Head of Del­e­ga­tion (HoD) is un­able to an­swer.

Call Cen­tre’s phone num­ber: +358 (0)400-324488

Open hours: 24/7, the num­ber will be ac­tive from Fri­day July 10th from 8:00 and will close on Mon­day July 20th at 24:00

Hos­pi­tals and Phar­ma­cies

Uni­ver­sity Phar­macy, opened 24/7, phone num­ber +358 (0)20 320 200, ad­dress: Man­ner­hei­min­tie 96, 00250 Hel­sin­ki
Oma­sai­raa­la Clinic, phone num­ber +358 (0)10 2578 100, ad­dress: Puu­tar­hu­rin­kuja 2, 00300 Hel­sin­ki
Kamp­pi Health Care Cen­tre, opened 24h/7days, phone num­ber +358 (0)30 6000, ad­dress: Jaa­kon­katu 3, 00100 Hel­sin­ki
Haart­man Hos­pi­tal and Emer­gency Room, phone num­ber +358 (0)9 310 5018, ad­dress: Haart­maninkatu 4, build­ing 12, 00099 Hel­sin­ki
Hel­sinki Uni­ver­sity Hos­pi­tal, phone num­ber +358 (0)9 4711, ad­dress: Sten­bäc­kin­katu 9, 00029 Hel­sin­ki

Lost and Found

The Lost and Found items will be col­lected at the vol­un­teers’ rest­ing ar­eas (Olympic Sta­dium, Ice Hall, Son­era Sta­dium) and will be de­liv­ered once a day to the Mes­sukeskus Expo and Con­ven­tion Cen­tre. The Lost and Found Point is lo­cated at the Mes­sukeskus Hel­sinki, Expo and Con­ven­tion Cen­tre in the cloak­room at the South­ern En­trance. The cloak­room will be opened from Mon­day July 13th – Fri­day July 17th from 9:00 to 18:00 and Sat­ur­day July 18th from 9:00 to 14:00.

The World Gym­naestrada 2015 - Vol­un­teer Man­ualMake the Earth Move30.3.2015