Media Services at the Venues

World Gym­na­est­ra­da of­fers mul­tip­le me­dia ser­vi­ces at all our main ve­nu­es. At eve­ry ve­nue, the­re are re­ser­ved se­ats for me­dia rep­re­sen­ta­ti­ves and spa­ces for pho­tog­rap­hers to work. Some of the ve­nu­es have in­ter­net ac­cess and works­pa­ce for me­dia.

Mes­su­kes­kus Hel­sin­ki Expo and Con­ven­ti­on Cent­re
Mes­su­au­kio 1, Hel­sin­ki

The­re are Me­dia se­ats re­ser­ved at eve­ry hall of Mes­su­kes­kus. You re­cog­ni­se the­se se­ats of the Me­dia signs. At the Amfi hall the Me­dia se­ats are in part N.

Wi­re­less In­ter­net ac­cess:
Name of the net­work: Mes­su­kes­kusW­PA2
Pass­word: 4rv44tko

Net­work at the hall are­as: Mes­su­gu­est
No pass­word nee­ded

So­ne­ra Sta­dium
Ur­hei­lu­katu 5, Hel­sin­ki

Me­dia se­ats 301–311 with tab­les  and po­wer plugs.

Wi­re­less In­ter­net ac­cess:
SSID So­ne­raP­ress:
User­na­me= press
Pass­word= pre55soc­cer
Name of the net­work; SSID So­ne­raS­ta­dium
Pass­word; Pre55soc­cer11

Olym­pic Sta­dium
Paa­vo Nur­men tie 1, Hel­sin­ki

Me­dia se­ats A 10–11 with tab­les and po­wer plugs.

Wor­king spa­ce for me­dia at room A 109

Wi­re­less In­ter­net ac­cess:
Pass­word: juok­su­rata

Hel­sin­ki Ice Hall
Nor­dens­ki­öl­din­ka­tu 11-13

Me­dia se­ats F 6 B with tab­les and po­wer plugs.

Ple­a­se note that, the­re is no in­ter­net ac­cess at the Hel­sin­ki Ice Hall

Töö­lö Sports Hall
Paa­vo Nur­men kuja 1 C, Hel­sin­ki

The­re are no me­dia ser­vi­ces at the Töö­lö Sports Hall.

By fol­lo­wing the­se signs you find the me­dia se­ats at the ve­nu­es.

Me­dia Gui­de7.7.2015