Media Bank

The World Gym­na­est­ra­da me­dia rep­re­sen­ta­ti­ves find dif­fe­rent ma­te­ri­als, lo­gos and press re­le­a­ses that may be used for the re­por­ta­ge and pro­mo­ti­on of the 15th World Gym­na­est­ra­da 2015 Hel­sin­ki.  Our me­dia bank of­fers gym­nas­tics pho­tos for pub­li­ci­ty pur­po­ses of the World Gym­na­est­ra­da 2015 Hel­sin­ki. All the ima­ges will be avai­lab­le for the me­dia free of char­ge.

Materials for media
Media Bank
Me­dia Gui­de7.7.2015