The Daily Newsletter: Sunday

The 15th World Gymnaestrada is officially on!

Fi­nal­ly the mo­ment that we all have been wai­ting for is here. This eve­ning the World Gym­na­est­ra­da 2015 star­ted fes­ti­ve­ly at the Hel­sin­ki Olym­pic Sta­dium and the wai­ting of the thou­sands of gym­nasts have en­ded.

The fee­lings from the Ope­ning Ce­re­mo­ny and the mas­si­ve ope­ning march can be read from here.

We have also col­lec­ted vi­deo fee­lings from the World Gym­na­est­ra­da ve­nu­es. Check out if the­re is fa­mi­li­ar fa­ces sho­wing. You can find the vi­deo here.

Look back to the ope­ning fee­lings of the Get To­get­her Area from our so­ci­al me­dia pa­ges. Re­mem­ber to fol­low them du­ring the who­le fes­ti­val week, so you can stay up­da­ted about all the World Gym­na­est­ra­da hap­pe­nings.

Face­book 15th World Gym­na­est­ra­da 2015 Hel­sin­ki
Twit­ter @wg_2015 (World­Gym­na­est­ra­da’15)
Ins­tag­ram wg2015hel­sin­ki (World­Gym­na­est­ra­da2015Hel­sin­ki)

Re­mem­ber also to sha­re your best pic­tu­res and mo­ments with the of­fi­ci­al hash­tags #wg2015 and #ma­ket­hee­arth­mo­ve

At last the World Gym­na­est­ra­da is here and ye­ars of wai­ting are fi­nal­ly over! This is cer­tain­ly a dre­am come true for the gym­nas­tics com­mu­ni­ty. It is gre­at to get to host this event for the in­ter­na­ti­o­nal gym­nas­tics fa­mi­ly, when year af­ter year they’ve or­ga­ni­sed un­for­get­tab­le World Gym­na­est­ra­das for us. Now it is our turn”, the Pre­si­dent of the Lo­cal Or­ga­ni­sing Com­mit­tee Kirs­ti Par­ta­nen desc­ri­bes her fee­lings on this ope­ning day.

Tips for tomorrow

Osal­lis­tu­jan opasGym­na­est­ra­da 2015 Hel­sin­ki4.7.2015