The Daily Newsletter: Monday

To­day the World Gym­na­est­ra­da 2015 sho­wed its true vo­lu­me and di­ver­si­ty. The Group Per­for­man­ces star­ted rol­ling non­stop at the Mes­su­kes­kus Expo and Con­ven­ti­on Cent­re, City Sta­ges sho­wed gym­nas­tics per­for­man­ces du­ring the who­le day and Swit­zer­land star­ted the fes­ti­val also at the Hel­sin­ki Ice Hall with their Na­ti­o­nal Eve­ning show.

Read the fee­lings of to­day’s first group per­for­mers from here.

Are you al­re­a­dy fa­mi­li­ar with the in­te­res­ting phe­no­me­non wit­hin the par­ti­ci­pants: clot­hes swap­ping? We wan­ted to see how far a sing­le pie­ce of clot­hing can tra­vel, and put it to the test. Read the ru­les of our of­fi­ci­al WG2015 t-shirt ad­ven­tu­re from here and fol­low the jour­ney of our t-shirt by #WG2015tshir­tad­ven­tu­re. We also loo­ked at the Ope­ning Ce­re­mo­ny of the World Gym­na­est­ra­da 2015 Hel­sin­ki from the fas­hi­on point of view. Read what is the hot­test trend  among the na­ti­o­nal out­fits . You find the text from here.

Get into the Swiss Ma­gic and read the ar­tic­le about the Swit­zer­land Na­ti­o­nal Eve­ning from here.

You can find to­day’s best pic­tu­res from our Me­dia Bank and from our Face­book page. Pic­tu­res from the Swit­zer­land’s Na­ti­o­nal Eve­ning co­ming soon to our so­ci­al me­dia chan­nels.

Tips for tomorrow:

Osal­lis­tu­jan opasGym­na­est­ra­da 2015 Hel­sin­ki4.7.2015