Daily Newsletter: Tuesday

To­day So­ne­ra Sta­dium wa­ked up to the World Gym­na­est­ra­da. Lar­ge Group Per­for­man­ces from dif­fe­rent count­ries char­med the au­dien­ce with their ama­zing pat­ters and synch­ro­ni­sed mo­ve­ments.

Tu­es­day was also a day of the Na­ti­o­nal shows. The first Na­ti­o­nal Af­ter­noon which was pre­sen­ted by Czech Re­pub­lic took pla­ce at the Mes­su­kes­kus Amfi hall. You can read about their pre­pa­ra­ti­ons from here.

Yes­ter­day was the day of Swit­zer­land. Their two Na­ti­o­nal Eve­ning shows li­te­ral­ly fil­led the Hel­sin­ki Ice Hall and we are not tal­king about the huge mass of the Swizz gym­nasts, but the gre­at amount of spec­ta­tors at the hall. Read the re­view of the spec­tac­le from here.

To­day the­re were two dif­fe­rent Na­ti­o­nal Eve­nings at the Hel­sin­ki Ice Hall. The first one was pre­sen­ted by Por­tu­gal and Bra­zil. Read about this Cul­tu­re tile from our news.

Tu­es­day eve­ning was clo­sed by the Nor­dic Eve­ning of the Nor­dic Count­ries.  You can watch the show also from  Yle Aree­na.

Did you know that the the Nor­dic Eve­ning show­ca­sed dif­fe­rent ty­pes of gym­nas­tics in ele­gant, fresh and flu­ent way? As a fun fact we can tell you that in the show mul­tip­le ways of re­cyc­ling was exp­loi­ted. Some of the cos­tu­mes were made of re­cyc­lab­le ma­te­ri­als such as corks of bott­les.

Fol­low our news chan­nels also to­mor­row, the­re are good news co­ming up from the en­vi­ron­men­tal pers­pec­ti­ve.

More fee­lings of the Nor­dic Eve­ning co­ming to­mor­row to our web si­tes, so stay tu­ned. You can find pic­tu­res from to­day from our so­ci­al me­dia chan­nels.

Take also down our tips for tomorrow:

Osal­lis­tu­jan opasGym­na­est­ra­da 2015 Hel­sin­ki4.7.2015