Daily Newsletter: Thursday

The Next World Gymnaestrada Host is officially announced and we are happy to tell you that the 16th World Gymnaestrada will be organised in Dornbirn Austria. Read more information from here.

Exo­tic winds were also blo­wing at our ve­nu­es.  South Af­ri­ca per­for­med their cul­tu­ral­ly rich Na­ti­o­nal Af­ter­noon show at the Amfi hall. You can read about their pre at­mosp­he­res from here.

To­night’s Na­ti­o­nal Eve­nings at the Hel­sin­ki Ice Halls are pre­sen­ted by Pan-Ame­ri­can Con­ti­nent and Ja­pan. ”Let’s move it” is the tit­le of Pan-Ame­ri­can show and it wants to spre­ad mu­sic, cul­tu­re, es­sen­ce and fun, at the La­tin and Ang­lo-Sa­xon sty­le that cha­rac­te­ri­ze the Ame­ri­can Con­ti­nent. You can read the re­view of the show from here.

Ja­pan de­le­ga­ti­on has de­ligh­ted the spec­ta­tors at the Mes­su­kes­kus with their ama­zing Group Per­for­man­ces and to day this gre­at ta­lent will be seen also on the lar­ger sca­le at their Na­ti­o­nal Eve­ning show. More fee­lings from the Ja­pan’s Cul­tu­re Café show co­ming up on to­mor­row’s news­let­ter.

Gym­nas­tics Works­hops have mo­ved pe­op­le around the city. Have you al­re­a­dy par­ti­ci­pa­te to them? If you still need to pluck up cou­ra­ge watch this vi­deo.

Tips for tomorrow:

Chop chop! To­mor­row is going to be the se­cond last day of the World Gym­na­est­ra­da 2015 so now is the time to make to most of this fes­ti­val and ex­pe­rien­ce eve­ryt­hing that is on our prog­ram­me.

Osal­lis­tu­jan opasGym­na­est­ra­da 2015 Hel­sin­ki4.7.2015