Daily Newsletter: Friday

The 15th World Gym­na­est­ra­da 2015 Hel­sin­ki is he­a­ding to its en­ding and this day was al­re­a­dy a last day for many hap­pe­nings.

This fes­ti­val week has gone so quick­ly. The City, Lar­ge Group and Group Per­for­man­ces were of­fe­red for the last time at the World Gym­na­est­ra­da ve­nu­es. It was al­re­a­dy a time for the last Na­ti­o­nal Af­ter­noon and Ita­ly had the ho­nor to be the last per­for­mer at the Mes­su­kes­kus Amfi hall. Pic­tu­res from Fri­day will be pub­lis­hed soon to our Face­book page, so re­mem­ber to fol­low if the­re will be you or some friend of yours pho­tog­rap­hed in.

Gym­nas­tics Works­hops around Hel­sin­ki have been in full swing the who­le week. You can watch fee­lings from the works­hops from here.

Re­mem­ber that gym­nas­tics works­hops for par­ti­ci­pants will be or­ga­ni­sed at the Mes­su­kes­kus Expo and Con­ven­ti­on Cent­re to­mor­row star­ting at 10:00.

You know what they say, when so­met­hing ends so­met­hing new co­mes up. For us that so­met­hing new is the FIG Gala. The long ex­pec­ted gala has al­re­a­dy been per­for­med twi­ce at the Hel­sin­ki Ice Hall. Read more about the gala from here. If you still ha­ven’t seen it, you have a chan­ce yet to­mor­row. The FIG Gala will be per­for­med the last time to­mor­row star­ting at 10:00.  You can buy your tic­kets straight from the ve­nue doors one hour be­fo­re the show starts.

You can also en­joy the show af­ter­wards by watc­hing it from Yle Aree­na.

Tips for tomorrow:

Re­mem­ber that the­re’s still time to tra­vel around our of­fi­ci­al t-shirt ad­ven­tu­re shirt. Read the inst­ruc­ti­ons from here and re­mem­ber to tag your t-shirt mo­ments with the hash­tag ‪#‎WG2015tshir­tad­ven­tu­re.

Osal­lis­tu­jan opasGym­na­est­ra­da 2015 Hel­sin­ki4.7.2015