Daily Newsletter: Saturday

The 15th World Gym­na­est­ra­da has en­ded and the fee­lings all around move from gra­te­ful to sad and hap­py. It’s also time for our last news­let­ter.

This day star­ted with the Gym­nas­tics Works­hops at the Mes­su­kes­kus Expo and Con­ven­ti­on Cent­re. We hope that eve­ryo­ne had the chan­ce to par­ti­ci­pa­te to the­se, be­cau­se as a gym­nast ever one of you should know that litt­le stretc­hing is good for your body be­fo­re long jour­ney home. You can find pic­tu­res from the works­hops from our Face­book page.

The last FIG Gala was also per­for­med to­day mor­ning at the Hel­sin­ki Ice Hall. You can watch the show af­ter­wards from Yle Aree­na.

The main event to­day was na­tu­ral­ly the Of­fi­ci­al Clo­sing Ce­re­mo­ny at the Hel­sin­ki Olym­pic Sta­dium. It was an emo­ti­o­nal hap­pe­ning and a spec­ta­cu­lar end to a me­mo­rab­le fes­ti­val week. You can read more fee­lings from the Ope­ning Ce­re­mo­ny here.

As it is the last day of our event we don’t have tips for you tomorrow. But we still have some tips to give you for the next four years:

Thank you all for ma­king the World Gym­na­est­ra­da 2015 so spe­ci­al and have a safe trip home!

Osal­lis­tu­jan opasGym­na­est­ra­da 2015 Hel­sin­ki4.7.2015